by Lib Law Administrator | Jan 6, 2011
Alexander Konkai /Freeman, Momolu S. Freeman, Ecelo Elaine Freeman, B. Dixon Momolyn Dixon and Moice Dixon, Heirs of the Administrator and Aministratrix of the Intestate Estate of the late Alexander B. Mars Jr. all of Montserrado County Republic of Liberia...
by Lib Law Administrator | Jan 6, 2011
Southeast Resource Limited by and thru its authorized representative of the City of Monrovia, Liberia PETITIONER/APPELLANT Versus The Forestry Development Authority by and thru its Managing Director, The Inter Ministerial Concession Commission (IMCC) represented by...
by Lib Law Administrator | Jan 6, 2011
Momo Kiazolu of Virginia, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia APPELLANT VERSUS Doris Cooper-Hayes of Brewerville, Montserrado County, Republic of Liberia APPELLEE LRSC 26 HEARD: APRIL 27, 2011 DECIDED: JULY 22, 2011 MR. JUSTICE KORKPOR DELIVERED THE OPINION OF THE...
by Lib Law Administrator | Jan 6, 2011
Randall D. Solo of the City of Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County, Administrator for the Intestate Estate of the Late Garh Solo, Diah Gboley, Oldman Darlue, Oldman Sobu and Oldman Jolo Zulu, Formerly of the City of Zwedru, Grand Gedeh County, Republic of Liberia APPELLANT...
by Lib Law Administrator | Jan 6, 2011
Youssef Kashouh, a Lebanese Businessman of Monrovia, St. Joseph Construction Company, represented by its Authorized Representatives, SHAM, Inc., represented by its Authorized Representatives and Assam Shabity of Monrovia, Liberia APPELLANTS VERSUS The Heirs of the...