by Lib Law Administrator | Oct 10, 1897
C. B. REEVES, Appellant, vs. W. S. SPILLER, Sheriff, Appellee. [January Term, A. D. 1897.] Appeal from the Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, Grand Bassa County. Injunction. This case was brought up to this court on appeal for final trial, from the Court of...
by Lib Law Administrator | Oct 10, 1897
C. B. REEVES, Appellant, vs. MARK HYDER, Appellee. [January Term, A. D. 1897.] Appeal from the Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, Grand Bassa, County. Damages. This is an appeal from the Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, Grand Bassa County. The...
by Lib Law Administrator | Oct 10, 1897
PRINCE POPO, Appellant, vs. THE REPUBLIC OFLIBERIA, Appellee. [January Term, A. D. 1897.] Appeal from the Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, Montserrado County. False Imprisonment. A motion in arrest of judgment for legal defects upon the face of an...
by Lib Law Administrator | Oct 10, 1897
COURT’S RULING ON MOTION TO COMPEL ISSUE OF WRIT OF ERROR. In the matter of the petition of C. B. Reeves, attorney below for Henry More, tried and convicted at the December term of the Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, Grand Bassa County, 1896,...
by Lib Law Administrator | Oct 10, 1897
DAVID D. FREEMAN, Appellant, vs. THE REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA, Appellee. [January Term, A. D. 1897.] Appeal from the Court of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, Montserrado County. Stealing Money from Post Letter Bag. 1. The statute relating to the responsibility and...