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Abandonment: Johnson, et al. v. Republic of Liberia, 1:91; Payne, et al. v. Republic of Liberia, 1:101; Franck v. Sherman, 1;388; Brewer v. Republic of Liberia,2:25; Zeon v. Republic of Liberia, 3:64; Harris v. Harris and Williams, 9:344; Dayrell v. Thomas and Moore, 11:98j Witherspoon v. Johns, 11:229; Moses v. Republic, L3:46; Nimley v. Cole, 14:100; Howard v. Dunbar, 14:515; Mends-Cole v. Deshield et al., 14:521; Davies v. Liberian-American-Swedish Minerals Company, 14:535; Picout v. Di Grado, 15:13; Whiley v. Republic of Liberia, 15:665; Coleman et al. v. Kaidii, 17:705; Taylor v. Worrell-Hilford, 17:707; Dinkins and Dinkins v. Addo and Benson, 17:709; Cole and Cole v. Cole, 17:711; Dean v. Komokai, 17:713; Wolo v. Republic of Liberia, !7 714; Sherman v. Zion, 17:715; Marty v. Republic of Liberia, 18:3; Forparh v. Yarkpark, 18:384; Konneh v. Kamara, 18:385; Sharper v. Lee-Cooper, 18:389; Saysay v. Saysay, 18:391; Sor v. King, 19:266; Goodrum v. Republic of Liberia, 20:384; Cooper v. Dunbar, 21:295; Kollie v. Republic of Liberia, 21:538; Fadel v. Sessay, 26:484; Nagbe v. Dennis, 26:485; Taylor v. Naim, 26:488; Beayou v. Tequah, 26:489; National Port Authority v.  or, 29:196; Kpan v. Republic of Liberia, 29:400; Republic of Liberia v. Brathwaite and Harmon, 29:402; Kparloor v. Republic of Liberia, 29:403; York v. Republic of Liberia, 29:406; Donzo v. Republic of Liberia,29:407; Ghamloush v. Republic of Liberia, 29:408; Welleh and Kofa v. Republic of Liberia, 29:411; Tarley v. Republic of L.iberia,29:412; Kobbah v. Republic of Liberia, 29:418; Charlie v. Republic of Liberia, 29:420; Kollie v. Republic of Liberia, 29:421; Gwanti et al. v. Republic of Liberia, 29:423; Hinneh et al. v. Republic of Liberia, 29:57; Liberia Overseas Ventures Corporation (LOVCO) v. Yancy et al., 30:228; Firestone Plantations Company v. Kobbah and the Board of General Appeals, 31:567; Roberts v. Republic of Liberia, 32:589; Sorsor v. Peal, 33:190; The Testate Estate of the Late Alha.ii S. Carew v. Sheriff, 34:482; Express Printing House, lnc. and Shabani v. Reeves and the Bank of Credit and Commerce lnternational (BCCI),35:455; Gbenyena v. Republic of Liberia, 35:787; Duyan v. Walker, 36:942 

Abuse of discretion: Mathelier v. Mathelier, 17:511; Firestone Plantations Company v. Koroma and Toe et al., 32:54

Actions, Jurisdiction and venue: Sickrah et al. v. Liberia Petroleum Refining Company, 36:261

Additional or new security: Rostock Diesel Service  v. M/V Acqua Sierra, Agrosy Ship Management lnc., 006:73

Additional Proofs: Halaby v. Fathaft, 7:129; Korvah et al. and the Board of General Appeals v. The Management of Bong Mining Company, 34:158

Adjudicating principles of cause: Thompson v. George, 27:245

Admissibility and reception of evidence: Anderson v. Republic of Liberia, 27:67; Ville v. Republic of Liberia, 31:780; Rizzo and Richards v. Metzger et al., 38:556; Woewiyu and Harvey v. The lnternational Trust Company of Liberia, 38:568; Jawhary v. Jones et al., 38:584; lnter-Con Security Systems v. Miah and Yarkparwolo, 38:633; Knuckles v. The Liberian Trading and Development Bank (TRADEVCO), 40:511

Admission of evidence: Smith v. Republic of Liberia, 7:205; Liberia Trading co. v. Cole, 18:150; Nyumo v. Republic of Liberia, 24:154; Magbine v. Soko,29:292; Tolbert v. Republic of Liberia,30:3; Massaquoi and Gibson v. Dennis, 40;698

Admission of evidence, Evidence admitted without preliminary proof: Liberia Trading Co. v. Cole, 18:150

Advancement of cause: Pratt v. Phillips, 7:218; Jackson v. Jackson and Dennis, 9:47; Al-Boley v. The Proposed Unity Party, 33:244

Affecting provisional remedies, Replevin: Yengbe v. Porte, L5:537

Affecting provisional remedies, Injunction: Dagber v. Molley, 26:450

Affecting substantial rights: Vianini Ltd. v. McBourough, L9:39

Affecting substantial rights, Amending, opening or vacating judgment or order: Simpson et al. v. Caranda and Jones-Clarke, L3;121

Affecting substantial rights, On motion relating to parties, process or pleadings: Montgomery v. Hall et a1.,38:378

Affecting substantial rights, Relating to provisional remedies: The National Bank of Liberia (NBL) v. Hall and The Monrovia Banking Corporation, 38:80 

Affidavits and other proofs: Yancy and Moulton v. Republic of Liberia, 17:674; Louise v. Nurse, 25:263

Affirmance, ln general: Duncan v. Karpeh, 10:194

Affirmance on motion: Moore v. Hayes, 13:443

Affirmance or reversal of judgment or order: Baz Brothers Corporation v. Gray, 26:27; McGill v. Mobil Oil Liberia, lnc., 26:68; Sinkor Supermarket v. Ville, 31:286; Lartey et al. v. Corneh et al., 31:326

Affirmance, Defects or Errors on part of Appellant or Plaintiff in Error: Harmon v. Bility, 29:389

Affirmance, Error not shown: Sobanee v. Sesay, 011:73; Wrogbe v . Joe, 20:206; Harmon v. Bility, 29:389

Affirmance, Error not shown, In general: Robertson et al. v. Quiah Brothers et al., 011:7

Affirmance, insufficient presentation: Anderson v. McLain, 1:44

Affirmance, On hearing, ln general: Pennoh v. Pennoh, 13:480; Travers v. Republic of Liberia, 14,271; Logan v. Kamara and Kamara, 14:297; Wilkins v. Taylor, 14:319; Tweh v. Koffa et al., 28:89; The Liberia Trading and Development Bank v. Mathies and Cavalla Rubber Corporation, 39:637; Vargas v. Eid,39:720

Affirmation on determination of the merits: Chebo v. Caranda, 33:452; Lamco J.V. Operating Company v. Bailey and Vonyeegar, 33:461

Affirmation on hearing, ln general: Chebo v. Caranda, 33:452; Lamco J.V. Operating Company v. Bailey and Vonyeegar, 33:461

Against verdict of jury: Republic of Liberia v. Julie Russel Poboe, et al., O07:84

Against weight of evidence: Zangbah and Grabul v. Republic of Liberia, 411.40; George v. George, 9:33; Neuville v. Killen, 31:587; Twe et al. v. Twe-Paye and Twe, 39:474; Reynolds v. Garfuah, Collins, M03:31