Acquisition of Rights by Prescription in General, Constitutional and statutory provisions in general: Denue et al. v. Kaba and Jireh International Full Gospel Ministries, Inc., M10:5
By or against heirs, devisees, or surviving husband or wife, or their grantees: King and Houston v. Cooper-Harris, 40:70
Character and elements of adverse possession, ln general: Youh v. Sow, M05:68; Gibson et al. v. Jones, 3:78; Clark et al. v. Lewis, 3:95; Johnson et al. v. Beysolow et al., 11:365
Constitutional and statutory provisions, ln general: Sherman and Sherman v. Clarke, 17:419
Continuity, ln general: Williams-Baguri et al. v. Cooper et al., 14:101
Disability of death of former owner: Williams-Baguri et al. v. Cooper et al., 14:101
Evidence: Good-Wesley v. Dwalubor, 19:282
Evidence, Presumptions and burden of proof: Kesellie et al. v. Instate Estate of Cole, 011:50
Evidence, Validity and sufficiency of title or claim: King v. Simpson, 17:226
Evidence, Weight and sufficiency, ln general: King v. Simpson, 1.7:226
Evidence, Weight and Sufficiency of Evidence: Chebli v. Benson et al, 016
Knowledge of or notice to former owner; Sherman and Sherman v. Clarke, L71479
Mixed possession under hostile titles, or conflicting grants or surveys: Johnson et al. v. Beysolow et al., 11:365
Nature and grounds of prescription: Sherman and Sherman v. Clarke, 17:419; Ware v. Jackson and Jackson-Langlay, 29:133; Derick, Taude et al. v. Pentescostal Assemblies of the World lnc., M05:160; Good-Wesley v. Dwalubor, 19:282
Nature and Requisites, Acquisition of Rights by Prescription in General, Character and elements of adverse possession in general: Becky’s Nests et al v. Reed, 012; Williams v. Kpoto, 012
Nature and Requisites, Acquisition of Rights by Prescription in General, Nature and grounds of prescription: Teahjay v. Dweh and Brown, 013
Nature and Requisites, Actual possession, Possession of agent, tenant or vendee Sheriff v. Mulbah and Intestate Estate of Chief Bah Bai, M11:65
Nature and Requisities, Hostile Character of Possession: Kessellie et al. v. Instate Estate of Cole, 011:50
Nature and Requisites, Pleading possession: Kessellie et al. v. Instate of Cole, 011:50
Nature and Requisites, Visible and Notorious Possession, Open and visible character of possession: Becky’s Nests et al v. Reed, 012
Necessity of claim or color of title: Sherman and Sherman v. Clarke, 17:41.9
Open and visible character of possession: Gibson et al. v.Jones, 3:78; Clark et al. v. Lewis, 3:95
Operation an Effect, Title or Right Acquired, Nature and extent of title or right: Williams v. Kpoto, 012; Jalingo et al. v. Paye and Mohmoud, M08:5, National Africa First Pentecostal Church v. Davies, M09:36
Operation and Effect, Title or Right Acquired, Nature and extent of title or right, Vesting of title in adverse occupant: Sheriff v. Mulbah and Intestate Estate of Chief Bah Bai, M11:65
Operation and Effect, Possession under color of title: Sheriff v. Mulbah and Intestate of Chief Bah Bai, M11:65
Plea of, impliedly admits plaintiff’s colour of title in ejectment: Sherman and Sherman v. Clarke, 17:419
Pleading, Pleading possession: Becky’s Nests et al v. Reed, 012
Pleading possession, Sufficiency of plea, ln general: Morris et al. v. Keita, 19:.770
Pleading title or right: Ware v. Jackson and Jackson-Langlay, 29:133; Washington v. Sackey, 34:824; Morris et al. v. Keita, 39:710; Jalingo et al. v. Paye and Momoud, M08:5
Possession under claim of right without color of title: King v. Simpson, 17:226
Possession under color of title; Good-wesley v. Dwalubor, 19:282; Johnson et al. v. Beysolow et al., 11:365; Ware v. Jackson and Jackson-Langlay, 29:133
Principle of, in asserting title to real property: Jackson v. Mason, 24:97; Cassell v.Campbell 24:239;
Questions for Jury: Ware v. Jackon and Jackson-Langlay, 29:133; Youh v. Sow, M05:68 Campbell,
Suspension of statute of limitations: Derick, Taude et al. v. Pentescostal Assemblies of the World lnc., M05:160
Taking successive possessions: Descent and heirs and representing: Williams-Baguri et al. v. Cooper et al., 14:101
Time requisite for acquisition of rights: Williams-Baguri et al. v. Cooper et. al, 14:101; Caine et al. v. Fahnbulleh et a|.,31:235; Gibson et al. v. Jones, 3:78; Clark et al. v. Lewis, 3:95; Sherman and Sherman v. Clarke, 17:419
Twelve year occupancy not sufficient to support plea of: Sherman and Sherman v. Clarke, 17:419
Validity and sufficiency of title or claim: Caine et al. v. Fahnbulleh et al., 31:235
Weight and sufficiency of evidence, Effect of color of title: King v. Simpson, 17:226