Abandonment: Johnson v. Johnson, et al., 1:29; Yv. Johnson, et al., L: 247; Frazier v. Republic of Liberia, 8:350; Republic of Liberia v. Johns, 8:352; Mathies and Sethi et al. v. The Liberia Trading and Development Bank, 39:665
Abandonment not found where notice to court that attorney can no longer represent client: Pratt v. Phillips and Summerville, 9:446
Abatement of, when substitution of parties will not achieve an effective judgment: Judge of Debt Court v. Horton, 24:392
Actions which may be consolidated pendency and condition of actions: Kru v. Tarpeh, 19:472
Acts or omissions constituting causes of action, ln general: MIM Timber Corporation v. Johnson, 31:145
Admiralty defined: Dennis v. Republic of Liberia, 1:323
Adverse possession, twelve years not sufficient under twenty year statute of limitations: Sherman and Sherman v. Clarke, 17:419
Another action pending: Tablah, ov. Korte, Daypor, M06:55
Another action pending, ldentity of parties, Subject matter and relief: Kru v. Tarpeh, 19:472
Attachment, no main suit required for writ of; Sodatonou v. Bank of Liberia, lnc., 20:512
Civil or criminal: The lnternational Trust Company of Liberia v. Cooper and lmani House, 38:252
Classification: Cavalla River Co. Ltd. v. Pepple, 4:39
Commencement, Prosecution and Termination, Abandonment: Erico World Wide Venture and Raja International Trading Company v. et al., 012
Commencement, Prosecution and Termination, Termination: Erico World Wide Venture and Raja International Trading Company v. Kaba et. al, 012
Commencement, Prosecution and Termination, Another action pending, Actions in different jurisdictions in general: Liberia Mining Corporation v. Paye et al., 016
Consolidation of actions: Mayson v. Bowen, 24:365
Consolidation of, effect: Russell v. Nah, 21:515
Contract or tort; Rached v. Knowlden, 13:68; lntestate Estate of Dinsea v. Ital Timber, M06:2; Liberia Telecommunications Corp v. Universal Telephone Exchange, lnc., M06:34
Course of procedure, ln general: Kparnee v. Tano-Freeman, 18:159
Criminal acts, civil liability for: Johnson v. Mattar Brothers, 20:425
Criminal conversation: Odei v. Verdier, 15:285
Damage to another’s property not redressable by suit in own behalf: Nowa and Dueah v. wolo, 8:355
Debt, actionable defined: Gbeh v. Gblah, 24:347
Debt not maintainable to foreclose mortgage: Williams and Williams v. Tubman, 14:109
Debt not triable in labor court; Kobina et al. v. Abraham, 15:502
Defenses, ln general: Cornifff’s Art Printery v. Kennedy,
Defined: Ex parte E. W. Williams, 4:189; Cavalla River Co. Ltd v. Pepple, 4:39
Ejectment, limitation of, principle of in action of: Jackson v. Mason,24:97
Election of remedies, right to found single cause of action on contract and tort: LaFondiaria lnsurance Companies, Ltd. v. Heudakor, 22:10
Equity, cancellation of deed for fraud as: Wilson v. Wilson, 27:182
Error as to character or form: Rached v. Knowlden, 13:68; Kaba et al. v. Saleeby Brothers and Rasamny Brothers and Fiske, 14:275
For injunction commenced by issuance of writ: International Trust Co. et al. v. Mends-Cole, 17:562
Forms of Wrong form dismissible : Rached v. Knowlden, 13:68
Forms of, No form entitled “action for damages on injunction bond and for wrongful injunction: “Urey-Holder et al. v. Dennis et al., 15:264
Forms of, No form entitled “action of claim:” Kaba et al. v. Saleeby Brothers and Rasamny Brothers and Fiske, 1.4:275
Forms of, wrong form dismissible: Jantzen v. Coleman, 2:208: Cavalla River Co. Ltd. v. Pepple, 4:39; Rached v. Knowlden, 13:68
Grounds and Conditions Precedent, Conditions precedent in general: Estate of Sirleaf v. El-Bim et al., M13; Liberia Mining Corporation v. Paye et al., 016; World Vision of Liberia et. Al. v. Atlantic Life & General Insurance Co. et al. M09.64
Grounds and Conditions Precedent, Nature and elements of cause of action and suspension of remedies: Estate of Sirleaf v. El-Bim et al., M13
Incompatible causes of: Henrichsen v. Moore, 6:351
Intervention, commencement of own action by person entitled to: Dwalubor v. Good-Wesley, 21;43
Joinder of causes of action at common law: Dormah v. Pierce, 10:420
Joinder of causes of action under civil law: The lnternational Trust Company of Liberia v. Cooper and lmani House, 38:252
Joinder of debt and detinue improper: Dormah v. Pierce, 10:420
Joinder of ejectment with injunction improper: Fiske et al. v. Artis et al., 11:334
Judgment, Action for construction if not maintainable: Richardson v. Gabbidon, 16:286
Legal or equitable, Equitable relief in action at law: Simpson v. Peters, 19:185
Legal or equitable, Nature of action: Tweh v. Koffa et al., 28:89; Baffoe v. Shamag Corporation, 16:218; Simpson v. Peters, 19:185
Legal or equitable, ln general: Badio et al. v. Liberia Fisheries lncorporated, 36:277; Liberia Fisheries lncorporated v. Badio et a1., 36:277
Limitation of, none applicable in suit brought by Republic to cancel deed for fraud: Harmon v. Republic of Liberia, 24;176
Limitation of, twelve years’ adverse possession not sufficient under twenty year statute of limitations: Sherman and Sherman v. Clarke, L7:419
Malicious mischief: Witherspoon v. Witherspoon, 3:284
Malicious prosecution no action against complaint who had reasonable or probable cause for making complaints: Saleeby Bros. v. Bright, 17:250
Malicious prosecution: Ross v. Arrivets, 7:80; Massaquoi v. Sillah, 9:270
Misnomer, Notice of plea: Mamodou v. Woermann & Brussells Company, Ltd., 12:53
Moot, hypothetical or abstract questions: Dukuly v. National Elections Comm., 005:94; Duncan and Besaibes v. Cornormia, M04:288
Motive in bringing action: Mayson v. Bowen, 24:365
Nature and elements of cause of action and suspension of remedies: Thompson v. Faraj, 25:34; Padmore v. Lamco J.V. Operating Company, 32:114; Kparnee v. Tano-Freeman, 18:159
Nature and Form, Error as to character or form: Republic of Liberia v. Anderson Estate, 1:97
Nature of remedy by action: Tweh v. Koffa et al., 28:89
No limit on number of counsel litigant may retain: Tunning v. Greene et al., 15:137
Nondomicilliary, authority of Liberian counsel to institute on behalf of: Saleeby Brothers, lnc. v. Barclay Export Finance Company, Ltd.,20:520
Nonjoinder of parties not ground for dismissal: King v. Simpson, 17:226
Nonsuit and retroxit distinguished and defined: Johnson v. Johnson, et al., Notice of appeal may be served on counsel where appellee could not be served personally: Wright v. Tay, 12:189
Notice, demand, and tender: Corniffs Art Printery v. Kennedy, 30:38
Patents, lnfringement: Marrschalk v. Zagury, et al., 1:117
Pension right, actional as a debt: Liberia Trading Corporation v. Hall (Chambers), 21:543
Personal property, Damages for injury to, statutory: Baffoe v. Shamag Corporation, 16:218
Personal property, lnjury to, distinguished from debt: Cavalla River Co. Ltd. v. Pepple, 4:39
Persons affected by but not made parties to, remedy of: Marshall et al. v. Blaine et al., 6:70
Persons Entitled to Sue: Quelo et al. v. Providence Concrete Works, 29:404;
Padmore v. Lamco J.V. Operating Company, 32:114; Al-Boley and Sluwar v. The Proposed Unity Party, 33:309
Persons liable: Republic of Liberia v. Potter et al., L3:48
Power of judge to change nature at trial: Beysolow v. Dukuly, 5:325
Probate proceedings are judicial inquiries, not civil actions: Railey and Montgomery v. Clarke, 10:330
Proceedings constituting commencement: Johnson v. Johnson, et al., 1:29
Replevin: Parker v. Worrel, 2:525; Moore v. Bull and Hayes, 13:106; Nahyahda v. Carter et al., 15:297
Retraxit as bar to second action: Davison v. Davison, 3:36
Specific Performance based on breach of contract: Baz Brothers Corporation v. Gray, 26:99
Statutory remedies: Witherspoon v. Witherspoon, 3:284
Statutory rights of action: Republic of Liberia v. Potter et al., 13:48
Stay of proceedings: Kru v. Tarpeh, 19:472
Termination: Johnson v. Johnson, et al., 1:29; Tablah, Johns v. Korte, Daypor, M06:55; Republic of Liberia v. Kanneh, Kanneh, M06:119; Cornomia, Saad v. Kaba, Duncan, Bsaibes, M06:122; Holder v. Liberian Development Bank, 22:376; Duncan and Besaibes v. Cornormia, M04:288
Trespass defined: Overbeck, Ltd. v. Davis et a1., 3:210
Trespass on the case defined: Brown v. Brown, 1:1; Overbeck, Ltd. v. Davis et al., 3:210
Trespass quare clousum freight defined: Overbeck, Ltd. v. Davis et al., 3:210
Trespass vi et ormis defined: Attia v. Summerville, 1:215
Trover, defined: Appleby v. Freeman & Son, 2:271
Unnecessary or vexations actions: Vaswani v. Atlantic Marketing Company (ATMARK), 36:768; Goodridge v. Fiske and Payne, 14:65
Waiver: Mathelier v. Mathelier, 17:45
What law governs: Kobina et al. v. Abraham, 15:502
When other action involving same parties and subject matter pending, magistrate not compelled to exercise jurisdiction; Verdier and Cooper v. Thompson, 17:625
Withdrawal and refiling of: Lloyd’s lnsurance Company v. African Trading Company, 24:70
Withdrawn, No time limit of refilling: Hill v. Hill, 13:257
Wrongful death, right to bring action when no statutory provision: LaFondiaria lnsurance Companies, Ltd. v. Heudakor, 22:10