Mounnajed et al v USAID/L [1965] LRSC 46; 17 LLR 147 (1965) (18 June 1965)

YOUMMI MOUNAJED, a Lebanese National Residing in Liberia, and His Honor, JOHN A. DENNIS, Judge Presiding by Assignment over the March 1964 Term of the Circuit Court of the Sixth Judicial Circuit, Montserrado County, Appellants, v. USAID/L, an Agency of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, by and through its Director, Mr. KELLER, Appellee. JUDGMENT WITHOUT OPINION ON APPEAL FROM RULING IN CHAMBERS ON APPLICATION FOR WRIT OF PROHIBITION. Decided June 18, 1965.* No appearance for appellants. son W. Broderick, for appellee. Solicitor General Nel- When this cause was called for hearing, counsel for appellee gave notice to the Court that a notice of withdrawal had been filed by appellant Yoummi Mounajed. After considering the notice of withdrawal as filed by the appellant, it is hereby ADJUDGED that the appellants’ appeal should be dismissed with costs against appellants. And the clerk of this Court is ordered to send a mandate to the trial court informing it of this judgment. Given under our hands and the seal of the Supreme Court of Liberia this 18th day of June, 1965. [Sgd.] A. DASH WILSON, SR., Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Liberia. · Mr. Justice Harris who took no part in this case and Mr. Justice Simpson who recused himself did not sign the judgment.

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Categories: 1965