Karmeh et al v RL [1981] LRSC 48; 29 LLR 404(1981) (29 July 1981)

LARMI KARMEH, et. al., Appellants, v. THE REPUBLIC OF LIBERIA, Appellee.


Decided: July 29, 1981.

When this case was called for hearing, Counsellor S. Edward Carlor appeared for the appellants, and the Solicitor General Jimmie S. Geizue appeared for the appellee and moved the court to dismiss the appeal for reason that the penal sum was not one-and-one-half times the value of the improvements on the land in question. Appellants resisted the motion contending, among other things, that the value of the land in question is $1,500.00; that the court below did not award any amount in its judgment or decree; that the amount contained in the appeal bond is sufficient; and that the law with respect to one and one half times, could not apply. After considering the law controlling and studying the records, it is adjudged that the motion should be and the same in hereby denied for lack of legal merit. And it is hereby so ordered.

NOTE: Mr. Justice M. Kron Yangbe being counsel for one of the parties in the court below prior to his elevation, he did not take part in the hearing and determination of this case; hence did not sign this judgment.

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Categories: 1981