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HAJA BAKULA and JEOBAH, alias BRAHIMA ROMA, Appellant/Respondents v. JOHN W. VAMPLET, Appellee/Movant.




Decided: February 4, 1983.


At the call of this case, Counsellor G. Bona Sagbeh appeared for the movant/appellee and there was no appearance for the respondents/appellants, whereupon movant/appellee prayed the Court to grant the motion to dismiss the appeal in view of the absence of the appellants/respondents. A perusal of the records in this case reveals that in keeping with the Marshal’s returns, the respondents/appellants refused to sign for and receive the notice of assignment. A refusal to sign for and receive a notice of assignment in itself constitutes an effective service. Wherefore, it is hereby adjudged that the motion to dismiss the appeal be and the same is hereby granted. The Clerk of this Court is hereby ordered to send a mandate to the trial court commanding the judge presiding therein to resume jurisdiction and enforce the judgment of the said court. Costs are ruled against the appellants/movants. And it is hereby so ordered.

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Categories: 1983