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FRANCIS GARDNER, by and thru REGINALD J. GARDNER, Petitioner, v. HIS HONOUR C. ALEXANDER ZOE, Judge, Criminal Court “A”, and EDWARD H. ELLIOTT, Respondents.

LRSC 19; 42 LLR 564

JUDGMENT WITHOUT OPIN1ON Decided: March 1, 2005

At the call of this case, Counsellor Marcus R. Jones appeared for the petitioner and Counsellor Jonathan Williams appeared for the respondent. Counsel forpetitioner, conceding to the legal soundness of the Chambers Justice’s ruling,informed this Court that he had filed a notice to withdraw the petition, to which there was no resistance. After a careful review of the said withdrawal, it is hereby adjudged that the submission of the petitioner to withdraw the petition be, and same is hereby granted.

The Clerk of this Court is hereby ordered to send a mandate to the court below instructing the judge presiding therein to resume jurisdiction over the matter and enforce its judgment. And it is hereby so ordered.

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Categories: 2005